Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"You just don't know what our kid life is all about."

Oh my dear sweet Isabella. I know, you have it so hard. You're fed on an overly regular basis, you have enough clothing that you can change your outfit four times each day and then throw them all on the floor and do it over again the next day, you have open access to a ridiculous number of craft supplies which have become the bane of my existence, you have everything. And yet, your little life is so unbearably hard, and let us not forget, boring.

I'm sorry. We've had a rough day, and at the moment, I'm feeling less than positive.

With lunch in hand, I sat down with Isaac in the living-room and let out a heavy sigh,
"What's the matter mommy?"
"Well, Isaac has spent most of the day screaming, and you've spent most of the day complaining, so I'm tired."
"You just don't know what our kid life is all about."

Okay. Maybe I don't. But your kid life looks pretty darn appealing compared to my adult life.

Say goodbye to our much loved, old, ugly, blue couches. We're getting new ones on Saturday. Hip hip hooray! I must admit, I'll be a little sad to see them go. This is where I nursed both of my babies, and spent countless hours sleeping with Isaac.

This is about as high tech as it gets at our house...
I'm a neglectful mother. Until yesterday, when his pediatrician cleaned it off with alcohol wipes, Isaac still had glue stuck to the side of his neck and his chest from the sleep study tape. 

 So much for my positive spin on math. She tells me repeatedly that she wishes "math didn't even exist."

Dude, your camera is sooo awesome. He looks a little stoned, does he not?

"Does everyone's heart look the same?"
"No, just like every person looks different, hearts are the same way. Like Kieran, he has to have surgery on his heart because it looks different, and the doctors need to fix it to make it better."
"Is that why he's always so loud? Because at Maya's house, we were having a kid meeting, where we were going around in a circle and taking turns saying something, and Kieran was making noise the whole time."
"No, that doesn't have to do with his heart, I think that just has to do with him being younger than you guys."

"Why are we going so slow?" (driving in the car)
"Because I'd rather not hit the car in front of me."
"Maybe, they should make a rule where everyone has to drive slowly so there aren't any accidents. I think that would be a good idea."
"You know, I only get these ideas about once a month. I have room in my brain for these ideas only one time each month."

"Every day I try to look just like a princess."
"That's nice."
"Do you want to see how beautiful I look?"
"I try to look just like Jesse (my sister), because she is so beautiful."

"Daddy, do we have enough gas to get home?"
"We have enough to make it to the gas station."
"Well, we don't want to end up on the side of the road! Mommy, remember when you made us end up on the side of the road? When you went past that stop sign, remember? We were in the Honda Fit."
True story. Her memory is too good.

I don't know about you, but we all share one main bathroom. Which is fine with me, because I'd hate to have to clean another one (besides our other half bath). This also means that when I want to take a bath, which is pretty frequent during colder months since I refuse to turn up/on the heat, and a bath is the quickest way to warm up before bed, I have a fair amount of bath toys to clean up before I can even get in. The last time Isabella saw me heading to take a bath, she said, "play with the dolphins, mommy. They're really fun."

With that, I'm off to play with dolphins, because I could certainly use some happy sea creatures to entertain me.




  1. This is ole so familiar. Your children live the same old boring life you and Jesse lived, and later Josh! I'd love a year of playing, coloring, painting and riding in the back seat enjoying the view!

    Love to you playing with the dolphins!

    Mom aka Barbara

  2. Isabella is hilarious. We really don't understand what their kid life is like, you know? Must be tough having everyone do everything for you (night, too!).

    Love the picture of them laying on the couch <3

    I hope you enjoyed the dolphin-infused bath :D

  3. Ahh if only my life can be more like a kid! What are you doing with those couches? Would you like to donate them to a quiet little reading corner in my language arts classroom? -michelle :-)
