Friday, October 5, 2012

First Kiss

No, this is not about my first kiss, but if you must know, it was rather disappointing (on both sides, I think), as I'm sure most first kisses usually are. Walter and I had a pretty horrible first kiss but obviously, things improved, so we decided to get married. Anyway, all of that to tell you about the first time Isaac kissed me. Isaac is not one for kissing. Not a big surprise since he has an extreme oral aversion and doesn't like people to come near his face. So, I've been waiting and waiting for him to actually kiss me. I've also spent a fair amount of time begging him to kiss me, or let me kiss him. Can you tell, I like kissing? Well finally, after reading Snuggle Puppy by Sandra Boynton for only the three thousandth time, (if you've never read it), it involves a couple smooches, I said, "Isaac, give mommy a kiss", and he did! It made me so happy.  He's making such good progress. 

"Isaac, smile!"

 Lots of new lip movement going on over here. And new sounds too.

"Isaac, smile!"

Quote of the day from Isabella: "I think Stella has a blue tongue since she ate a Blue Jay." For the record, Stella does not have a blue tongue, and she did not actually eat the Blue Jay, she just tortured it.

 For real, who is this kid? Surely not MY mulch-fearing Isaac?
 Don't worry, you don't need glasses. The picture is blurry. Apparently I was too excited to focus. 

Isaac has also decided that walking just might be a cool thing to do. This week he's started walking across the room instead of scooting. This is amazing for him, and we're so excited. I don't have many pictures of him walking because I'm usually in awe that he's actually doing it, so I just watch, and soak it in. We've been working so hard to get to this point, and Isaac is so proud of himself every time he walks across a room.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for kisses! You guys are amazing with Isaac, and he is doing soooo well because of your effort (and his general awesomeness :)).
