Monday, May 23, 2011

Six years...

That's how long we've been married. Six years. Before I got married I thought that people who'd been married for six years were really old and really smart. Well, I'm definitely not old and definitely smarter in some ways and dumber in others. In the words of the un-sleep sleep study people, my college degree is invalidated since I haven't slept in a very long time and if you asked me to analyze a piece a literature I'd probably sound like an idiot. Oh well.

So anyway, Saturday was our anniversary and Isabella kept asking us if we were going to dance. No, in order for that to happen a really weird force would have to overtake your father because he refuses to dance...and if he did end up dancing I would probably pee my pants from laughing so hard. It actually turned out to be a very productive day. I decided to take my chances and risk my life to clean my car and the refrigerator. I'm shocked a wild animal didn't jump out and attack me. You don't even want to know all of the crap I pulled out of my car. Yeah, actually I'm too embarrassed to say, so let's just move on...

After risking my life cleaning, Walter insisted that I take a nap because let me tell you, one thing I didn't have six years ago was giant circles under my eyes. Well, I don't know how many years of sleep it will take to rid myself of these circles, so that's where some quality foundation comes to the rescue.

Maybe once a year I actually want to look, wear a dress nice. Isabella is always asking me why I don't want to wear a "most beautiful dress or skirt" like her. So I thought I would put on a dress for our dinner date, but I couldn't fine the one dress I own. Okay, plan B, a cute shirt my sister gave to me, which was already causing technical difficulties because it had a cute belt around the middle and I seriously couldn't figure the thing out. Well, when I thought I had it and Walter said it looked nice, a button popped off. Let me assure you, my voluptuous top half was not busting out of it...ugh, why is it so hard to find something cute to wear?! 

Well, it all worked out and a friend came over to watch the kids and we gladly and readily handed them over to her...thanks Michelle!

Before dinner we went to a park for a walk and an attempt to get a picture of the two of us together. We talked about how we've stuck together through some pretty rough stuff over the past year; how we couldn't imagine doing it without each other and as always, we're best friends and always have been. Probably a couple times a year we have an impromptu "marriage evaluation." It usually goes something like, is there anything I can do to be a better wife/husband. There are always things we need to work on and we don't always see eye to eye, but we always make it work.

My anniversary present this year:

day after sleep study...

-Walter, can you please get my pillow for me from the car. I forgot to bring it in.
-If you get it for me, it can be my anniversary present!

 The first picture is actually from October, and the next ones are from Saturday but they didn't really turn out.

(Walter really wants to kiss me in this one!)

Happy Anniversary! I love you!

12. Isabella spending countless hours on the porch making mud pies
13. clean sheets
14. Isaac learning to put the triangle in the shape sorter
15. Stella checking to make sure we brought both of her babies (Isaac and Isabella) home after we've been gone
16. Stella letting me know Isaac is awake
17. freshly ground coffee beans


  1. Such cute pictures of you two! Happy Anniversary!!!

    I totally feel you on the clothing issue ~ I swear I own nothing cute (or I put on something cute and one of the kids wipes a nose on it, or puts peanut butter covered hands on it, or something equally gross). I'm lucky that Michael doesn't care!

  2. 6. Both kids falling asleep in the car, giving Michael and I quiet time to talk
    7. Cold watermelon
    8. Baby kicks <3
    9. Sleeping in bed after everyone else is asleep
    10. Laying in the grass
    11. Beads in my hair
