Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Some conversations...

Last night, I finally learned what it's like to a man. I went to sleep, and slept so soundly that I didn't hear either one of my children wake up. And when I woke up, it was morning. Amazing. Maybe I should get a sex change. Our insurance covers those, but they don't cover Isaac's therapy. So I might as well take advantage of what they do cover.

In Walter's defense to the whole man thing, over the past six months he's been much better about helping with Isaac throughout the night. 

"Mommy, you been wearing those clothes for two days."
"Well, you're not allowed to wear them today."

I don't know where she gets her grammar from. I also don't see anything wrong with wearing the same pajamas, I mean, outfit, multiple days in a row.

"Isabella, when we get home, you need to do your school work."
"Why? I don't want to do it. I wish school never existed."
"Sorry. You're in kindergarten, so you have to do your work."
"I wish I could live all by myself. Then I'd be the happiest I never been before."

One night, Walter came home from work and we all sat down to dinner (minus Isaac, who chooses dinner time to scream, so we try our best to ignore him). Walter kept looking at me, and finally I said, "What is wrong? Why do you keep looking at me like that?" "Did you do something different to your hair, or just take a shower?" If he were so lucky to be the most popular person in our house, he probably wouldn't shower daily either. Little people don't cry when he goes to the bathroom. I wasn't one of the popular kids in school, so this must be some kind of evil payback for ever wishing that I was one of the popular kids. I don't WANT to be popular! I PROMISE! 

Isabella and I were having a conversation in the car today about school. Apparently, she was under the impression that schooling stops when you turn six. Oh dear. I asked her what she specifically does not like about school so that we could work to change it so that she does like school. Her response: "I don't like that my worksheet doesn't have column addition on it yet, and that I don't know addition house eight." And here the whole time I thought I was doing something wrong. These are easy problems to fix.

Isaac, in the "man chair".

Isabella's profound thought of the day:

"If God didn't make ears, the world would be so peaceful. Then we wouldn't hear anything." Maybe she's getting tired of hearing herself talk? I don't know.

After voting:

"Mommy, do you think you'll win?"
"No, silly! I don't want to be President. That would be horrible!"
"That wouldn't be horrible. You would just get to talk a lot!"

I take that back, I guess she isn't tired of hearing herself talk.

Next time, the story of The Mouse and the Raven continues. Also, I'm working on a page where I can share tube feeding and also blenderized diet information. Let me know if you have any questions you'd like answered.




  1. Too funny, especially about the sleeping without waking up...

    ...and I agree with you, wearing the same thing 3 days in a row is just being "green" right, saving water and all that good stuff.

  2. I soo envy your work attire. There is nothing wrong with wearing the same pjs for at least 4 days in a row! Isabella crazy (note the poor grammar). Side note: last week we oddly celebrated Halloween at work with trick-or-treating (amazing) and we were able to dress up in costumes....my costume was "me after work" which entailed pjs, no makeup, and messy hair. The complete outfit would have entailed a bottle of wine but I didn't think my managers would approve. lol

  3. Lovely post :) I like your take on being "popular" in your house...based on Milo's reaction this morning, me showering is actually the worst thing that could possibly happen to him! I suppose I should try to appreciate the fact that he can't bear to be without me for even one minute :)

    Looking forward to the mouse and the raven story!

    I think Isabella would make a fabulous president ;) Kohn 2044!
