Monday, January 16, 2012

2:30 a.m.

At about 2:30 a.m. I realized I've been watching too many episodes of Damages. This is due to my completely unfounded fear that a burglar turned off Isaac's pump and unhooked his tubing. I'm not even kidding, I sat on the couch and tried to figure out why this burglar, who must have a family member with a feeding tube, would break into my house, and do nothing other than turn off Isaac's feeding. Clearly this was Patty Hewes at work, manipulating me in some sick way. That, or, the burglar realized the only thing of value in our house is our washing machine. It's a nice washing machine, and when we bought it several years ago, I told Walter that I was so excited I just wanted to give it a hug (not him, the washing machine). Well anyway, back to the feeding tube mystery. I decided the only way to figure this out was to wake Walter and ask if he unhooked Isaac. He had, and I must have been in a very unusual deep sleep because when the feeding is over the pump beeps loudly and obnoxiously until you turn it off.

No joke, Isaac just stood for ten seconds with no hands! 

Isabella was given a pair of ice skates for Christmas so she's been itching to try them out.

Isabella, did you have any dreams last night?
No. I tried to, but my eyes were open all night long, so I couldn't have any dreams.

After one time around the edge of the rink, she let go and ventured into the middle.

Isaac wasn't so excited about the whole thing. Isabella said that next time we should leave Isaac so that the three of us can go ice skating. I agree. She deserves a mommy and daddy date. 

Yesterday I sent Isabella to her room for a four minute time out and on the way there she yelled in a very dramatic way: Four minutes!? I can't go to my room for FOUR MINUTES! That's too long for a little kid like ME! 

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter
everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that
change forever how we experience life and the world. 
-Sarah Ban Breathnach

58. half and half
59. a new dishwasher
60. sweaters
61. when Isaac hands his pacifier to me instead of throwing it
62. the comfort of my house
63. bubble baths
64. Isaac pooping on a regular basis 
65. Isaac making Isabella laugh
66. Isaac growling and me pretending to be scared
67. curly hair
68. Isabella letting Stella outside 


  1. We will keep Isaac so Isabella can have a date with her parents!

    I would wonder about the pump too and think I was doing things in my sleep and than I wouldn't be able to sleep.

  2. Yay Isaac for standing!!! Yay Isabella for rocking your first ice skating trip!!!

    I laughed out loud at your story :)

  3. that red jacket is perfect for ice skating! she looks (and talks) like she belongs in a story book
