Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I like it, but only because...

One of these days, I'm going to walk into the living room and find the most amazing Lego structure I've ever seen. You'd be surprised by how much time Isaac spends staring at the pages of the Lego instruction pamphlets. He sits, fully focused, absorbing one page before turning to the next.

Isaac and I met with a nutritionist yesterday. His feeding therapist wanted us to check in with one because of that evil and risky blenderized diet we're doing. Well, first of all, thank goodness I'm not being reported for feeding my child real food. Also, Isaac is holding steady at twenty pounds, and has grown in length, so that's great! After I gave the run down of what a typical day of blenderized meals looks like, she said, "Well, I like what you're doing, it's great, but only because he's still having some formula." Rewind....WHAT?! Seriously? What planet do we live on? Wait. I just remembered. The one full of processed foods, so duh, of course formula is healthier than whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Shouldn't every two year old have eight to sixteen ounces of formula a day? What was I thinking? Don't worry, I was on my very best behavior and didn't contest it, so I just had to forgive her on the spot for being so dumb.

Yesterday was Charlotte's third birthday!

Ooops, how did this picture get in here...

Isabella played hard yesterday, and by this point she was prone to meltdowns.

Milo and Charlotte, off to conquer the world...

Isaac pretending to zap our friend Eric...
 ...and then laughing like crazy...

He found the cones and thought they'd make a perfect hat. Silly kid.

 Happy Birthday Day, Charlotte! We love you!


  1. Wait...so you're telling me that 2 year olds *aren't* all supposed to have 16 ounces of formula each day??? My mind has just been blown. I was wondering how all of those 2 year olds survived, you know, for all of history :P

    Thanks for the pics from Charlotte's birthday! Isaac was too funny with that bubble wand!

  2. WE, PAPA AND I ARE ADDICTED TO YOUR BLOG!!! We see all of you each week but we can't wait for the blog post!

    Love it,

