Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter!

The intent was to get a picture of Isaac and Isabella together. Isabella, who claims to being hot and sweaty all the time, chose this moment to be freezing cold and refused to take off her jacket. So it was just Isaac. And he was in his own little world thanks to birds flying around and Stella barking. Isaac is so white he practically blends into the background.

 That's me. I still can't figure out where Isaac gets his curly hair from.

Last night Isaac was ridiculously hyper. Flapping your arms and shaking newspaper in front of your face for half an hour will do that to ya. Well, in his hyper state, he was inspired. So inspired that when we said, "Isaac! Stand up!" He didn't even hesitate...


  1. Wow, I honestly got teary-eyed at the pictures of Isaac standing up ~ amazing!!!

    I really love the first picture of you and Isaac, and the very first flower picture is beautiful.

    Happy Easter!!!

  2. Sierra, The photos are amazing and Isaac standing has made me cry! I am so excited because he is making big strides every day.

    I want that series of photos of him standing.

    Love to you,

