Thursday, September 15, 2011

And...we're off!

Last week Isabella started preschool! She was extremely excited and woke up at 6:30 a.m. the morning of her first day. The anticipation had been brewing for quite some time. After her fourth birthday she was adamant that she would not "officially" turn four until she started school. Maya started preschool last year and Isabella always asked why she couldn't go, but finally, the much awaited and anticipated day arrived. She assured me that she would tell me all about everything they did at school, but it turns out that there is some sort of secret preschool code and what happens at preschool, stays at preschool. I've heard little tidbits here and there and thankfully, her teacher is very aware of this secret code and does a good job of keeping parents informed.

Mommy, stop taking my picture!

She's insisted on taking this puppy with her. It takes a very nice "nap" in her book bag while she's there.

At the parent meeting I found out that the parents can line up their cars and the teachers come out and take the kids up to their class. Do you know how amazing this is? After we left the meeting I exclaimed to Walter, "can you believe it, they come out to the car?!" He wasn't nearly as impressed, but I'm pretty sure that after a week of getting kids in and out of car seats he would admit to the amazing-ness of this.

Obviously I was super excited to walk Isabella up to her classroom on the first day of school. And then the second day I planned to walk her up again, but out of nowhere she said, "mommy, I don't want you to come in my school, I just want my teacher to come out and get me." "Really, are you sure? (I said in a very pathetic voice because I couldn't believe she was already shunning me from taking her into the building) Don't you want me to walk up with you?" "No, I just want my teacher to come out to the car." And sure enough, she was so excited she could barely contain herself, and marched off into the building with her little ladybug back pack, all on her own. When I picked her up later that morning, she announced that she wanted to stay for lunch bunch...seriously, is she a teenager or something? We talked about and she was quite sure of her decision to stay for lunch and now she happily stays an extra hour for playing and lunch. Her teacher says that Isabella is, "a hoot and a half". I agree...most of the time.

At her orientation, the teacher asked if there's anything she should know about Isabella. They'd been stressing that the kids should come in "play clothes" and I told her that play clothes to Isabella, are skirts and dresses because she refuses to wear pants and usually refuses to wear shorts. They also want the kids to wear paint smocks. I told her that Isabella would probably refuse the paint smock, would probably scoff at even the mention of such a thing, but that she is extremely neat...absurdly neat, so it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't wear it.

Whatever happens at preschool, must be exhausting. Isabella's been grumpy and worn out since last week. She's loving it, but I can tell that there is still an element of adjustment.

Ballet started this week as well. Maya and Isabella are determined to "out-ballet" each other and turn every part of everything into a competition. They actually did really well in class together.

Mixing dirt, leaves and water...yum! 

Stella posing... 

My dad had better luck with his sunflowers...

In my last post I forgot to share that Isabella thought the dress I wore to the wedding looked "horrible" but she was super excited to sleep at my parent's house, where she said that she would have "the sleepover that would make her dreams come true". 

72. spending time with Isaac while Isabella is at school 
73. praying in the car with Isabella before she heads into school
74. Isaac humming in his car seat when I turn music on
75. watching Isaac take steps along the couch (that's right! more to come about that next time!)


  1. Ok, Isabella is officially hilarious. Did the sleepover make all her dreams come true??? Can I have a sleepover like that??? :)

  2. What sweet pictures of Isabella going to school. They made me cry. I agree about the secrets of pre school. When you were the preschooler you painted, you played and you colored! No other details. She looks so much like Jesse in these photos it is amazing!

    She is sailing off to school just like her mom, her Aunt Jesse and Uncle Josh!

    Enjoy your time!

    Love Mom
