Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Day in the Life

These pictures are from several days but collectively, they are good representation of our day to day life.  

Last Monday Stella spent the day at the vet's office throwing up a very large quantity of dark chocolate that she stole from my birthday gift bags. She has not learned her lesson and continues to take any opportunity to pilfer food. I quickly forgave her because she is my favorite since she doesn't complain, ask me for food, goes to bed when I tell her to go to bed and as an added bonus, can pee and poop on her own. As you can see, she also guards Candy Land so I can have a break from playing the stupid game.

Oh my. This picture of Isabella is nothing special. In fact, I don't even think it's in focus, but I came across it while editing and shed many tears because she is growing so quickly and at the oddest moments her growth and maturity catch me off guard. She also rarely looks at the camera without making a weird face.

"Ma ma, I'm going to learn a lot about birds and then everyone can call me a birder."

Our front yard has the perfect sledding hill for Isaac.

Chicken meeting. They are discussing the tastiness of these weeds.

The moment I knew that in six years of attachment parenting, I'd done something right...

1 comment:

  1. Mom aka Barbara aka GarDecember 19, 2013 at 11:26 AM

    Yeah for Stella guarding Candy Land! She can eat the board as far as I am concerned. I never could play that game. Thank goodness for you and Jesse that dad didn't mind playing Candy Land and all those other kid board games! He definitely earned Sainthood points for all the games he played, Barbies he played, letting you and Jesse comb and style his hair and he taught you all how to play Chess, Risk, Stratego, etc... Hopefully Candy Land will lead to other games you like to play!

    Great photo of Isabella!

    Love how colorful those chickens are!

    Spider Man! You have to love Isaac loving Spider Man!

    Stella recovering from her illness is tucked in with the Duck Blanket. What could be better! She makes me laugh.

    Love to you,

