Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sleep Experiment...

Last night, as I was nursing Isaac to sleep, I whispered excitedly to Walter that I had a brilliant idea to try to get Isaac to sleep longer at night. If you are a parent, you know that when you come up with an idea for getting your child to sleep, that's pretty exciting. I mean really, there isn't anything more exciting than sleep when you have a baby and/or toddler. My brilliant idea: nestle Isaac in the Boppy pillow, on the couch (obviously making certain that he won't fall off the couch) and leave the TV on all night as background noise...I know, brilliant right?! Okay, so you're totally disappointed right now, but guess what...IT WORKED!!!! Now, as Walter and I discussed this morning, we won't really know if this experiment worked until we try it for a few more nights. For his first stretch of sleep he slept for THREE HOURS. THREE HOURS PEOPLE! Then he did two more two hour stretches. He fell asleep to football but then at 1:00 a.m. Criminal Minds was on and I figured whatever subliminal messages he was getting from that wasn't a good idea, so I switched it to HGTV--much more reasonable right?

On Friday Isaac had his first post-op appointment with the plastic surgeon. It went really well and Dr. Gosain is very happy with the results. We will still have follow-up appointments with the neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon for at least a few years and now we will embark on helmet therapy...ugh, I was really hoping this would all just be over. So this week will be devoted to making phone calls with the insurance company and the orthotist and the plastic surgeon to confirm when we will begin using the helmet and the orthotist we will work with. I am just praying that wherever we go they will have the technology to do a digital scan of his head instead of having to do a casting of his head.

I think with all that has been going on Thanksgiving could have totally passed us by unnoticed. This morning I was explaining Thanksgiving to Isabella and I asked her what she was thankful for and she said, "turkey (we'd just finished talking about how we will eat turkey) and love!

Yesterday we watched videos of Isabella when she was six months old. It was actually comforting to know that Isaac is developing at exactly the same pace as Isabella. I think because of the whole head thing, it's made me more concerned that developmentally something may be off. It was also interesting to see that Isabella's mannerisms remain the same and she is just a larger, older version of her six month self.

Sarah and I took the girls (and one boy) for a walk, which actually ended up being an absolutely horrible idea considering Maya and Isabella were falling apart for most of it. Here's Maya talking on the phone to Michael. She said, "Hi Daddy!" and Isabella said she wanted to talk to daddy too...she was just a bit confused when Maya handed her the phone and she realized Michael was the phone instead of Walter. Sarah has a really good picture of this on her blog:

 A little munchkin in the most hilarious snow suit I've ever seen (the effect is much better when she's walking around)...

And if I don't post again this week...Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Yay!!! Go Isaac!!! As a bonus of this experiment, he'll probably learn a lot about home remodeling :P

    I didn't realize that you had taken those pictures of Charlotte ~ she looks too funny :) Very Waldorfian, right? The girls look like they are having a good time ~ if I hadn't been there, I'd have thought it was a nice walk in the woods!

  2. Oh, one more thing ~ I was randomly watching videos of Maya's babyhood today, too! She made me play the one that is on my blog about 50 times in a row :P
