Sunday, September 22, 2013

Amazing? Yeah Right!

As I dropped Isabella off for a math program at the library, I struck up a conversation with another mom. Most conversations these days lead to schooling, and as usual, the conversation came around to the fact that we are homeschooling. This other mom told me that I must be an amazing person. I clearly gave her a very wrong and very sugar coated impression of myself. I should have found her later as I struggled to carry a load of parenting books out to my car.

I am not amazing. In addition to feeling compelled to read every parenting book ever written, I've had so many breakdowns this week that at times I've thought it would be better for my family if I just removed myself to a hotel for a few days. Actually, that sounds quite glorious. In fact, that sounds so amazing I need to stop thinking about it or I'm bound to drive to the nearest Marriott--they have such comfortable beds. 

Speaking of breakdowns, my mom called the day before my grandma was to come for a visit, and I instantly started crying. Mainly because I was tired. I cry when I'm tired. It seems to be my body's automatic response to exhaustion. Instead of sleeping, I cry and think about how tired I am--obviously, this is very productive. At the time of this phone conversation, I was also trying to prepare Isaac's room for my grandma's visit and Isaac was simultaneously unfolding each piece of his clothing and throwing it around his room--cleaning with children is pointless. My mom told me to stop cleaning. I decided to actually listen to her, and the next day I cleaned the kitchen while talking to my grandma, which made kitchen cleaning less painful. 

I am working to find a balance (if there is such a thing) between schooling, making healthy meals, Isaac's therapy, maintaining the house, carving out time for myself, etc, is challenging. All of these things are important to me otherwise, I wouldn't waste time struggling to find balance. I know this is a phase and we will soon discover the ebb and flow that best fits our family.

I am so thankful my grandma made the drive from Columbus to stay with us for a couple days. She managed to completely embarrassed me at the local grocery store where she insisted she needed to speak with the manager in order to offer praise for a "thoughtfully placed sidewalk" and introduced herself as, Super Duper Carol Cooper. I've been laughing about it ever since. Thanks for the laughs, grandma!


  1. Those photos are priceless!

    Make sure you carve out time for yourself-somehow. You need to put your own oxygen mask on first! If mom goes down she can't take care of her family.

  2. I cried the other day because I didn't have enough side dishes planned for Vincent's birthday party. Instead of just going to the store, I sit there and get all weepy. What you say about "that's productive" makes me laugh. Sierra, all you are doing is amazing. Stop reading those parenting books. You should be writing them!

  3. The photos of Isabella and Isaac with grandma are so sweet. We have photos of you and Jesse and than Josh with all your grandparents like this. Having fun! You, Jesse and Josh has been blessed with the most amazing Grandparents! They have all truly enriched your lives and added such wonderful memories!

    Love to you,

