Wednesday, June 13, 2012

a good day

Today is a good day. You're probably glad to hear it since my last couple posts have been downers. I prefer to call it, reality. If you want to read about unicorns instead, go here.

Anyway, Isaac had a great physical therapy appointment, Isabella had her first day of camp, Isaac had a successful early intervention appointment, and in an hour we'll head to ballet. All in all, a good day.

Yesterday, Isabella and I had to review, Rules for when mommy is getting Isaac to sleep. They are as follows, and trust me, very hard to abide to:

1. Do not ask for ANYTHING unless you are BLEEDING or on FIRE.
2. Do not TALK.
3. Do no SHOUT.
4. Do not BANG THINGS.
5. Pick a room and STAY in it.

Easy enough, right? Nope.

Last night, Sarah and I began our eight week adult ballet class. Isabella and I went to the dance store to get my ballet shoes and she promptly informed the lady that I did not need pointe shoes and I would not be on stage. She's probably right.

On Sunday, Isabella will turn five.

She paints her own nails...

She puts on her own cooking show for us...

She can finally pump her legs...

 She pushes her brother on the swing without harming him...

And last but not least, my little man...


  1. Good days are Super Fabulous! Hopefully sometimes but not always you have more good than bad days! Parenting is not for the weak.

  2. I think you should totally get pointe shoes and just wear them around the house :)

    I can't believe Isabella is almost 5! Where has the time gone??? Happy almost-birthday to the little lady!
