Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tonsillectomy: Part 2

I have been dragging my feet on writing a blog post. Not sure what my problem is. I feel slow, and uninspired this week. But, the kids are in the bathtub (don't report me, I'm sitting on the toilet typing away, so they are supervised) and this is usually an ideal blogging opportunity.

Isaac had his tonsillectomy on Friday and everything went very well. The whole procedure only took an hour, so this was his fastest surgery. We had a fairly uneventful hospital stay so I don't have much to report. Thankfully, we ended up with the rebel nurse who was all about breaking the rules. We were in the PICU, so they're a little more strict about visitors, etc. The rebel nurse was a good thing because guess who was in charge of the PICU floor--Nurse Ratched, straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest--haven't read it, read it.

My mom and Sarah were about to head back to the PICU when Nurse Ratched said, "And who's that baby?" (meaning, Milo). Well, we assured her that Milo would do very little harm. And later, when Walter was walking around the waiting area with Milo (before she allowed Milo back to Isaac's room) she said to Sarah, "What did you do with the baby?" Left him on a bench, do you think he'll be okay? 

No joke, this is what happened when my dad and brother came to visit:

I'm pretty sure Nurse Ratched made up some excuse to enter our room since she already deemed we were trouble...

NR: Does Mary, your nurse, know that there are more than four people in this room?
My mom: Yes, we told her.
NR: No, does she know there are this many people in the room?
My mom: Yes, she said it was fine.
NR: Hmmm. Because I see, one, two, three, four, five, people in this room. (She is SO good at counting!)
My dad (showing his University Hospital Physician Badge): I'm a therapist, a family therapist.
NR: Oh, excuse me! I am so sorry, you're one of us?! My apologies, excuse me.

Right. Like we're having a family therapy session here in the PICU. Idiot. Well, at least that shut her up, and we all got a good laugh after she left.

Anyway, since we've learned the ropes of surgery and Isaac's need for his pink bouncy seat, we brought it along with us, and he stayed in the same position the entire twenty-four hours we were at the hospital. He loudly protested any time we tried to pick him up or change his diaper, so he stayed curled up in his bouncy seat, watching movie after movie. I must say, I think he relished in the fact that we allowed him to watch so much TV. Walter managed to get a laugh out of him, but oddly, until we signed the discharge papers and began walking out of the hospital, he was a complete grump. Then, miraculously, he was happy as a clam. Hmmm.

Today he seems pretty happy, but he's been in a considerable amount of pain. The doctor sent us home with baby Vicodin. First of all, that stuff causes a really amazing amount of drowsiness--I mean, it really lessens the intensity of his pain, and that's all that matters. Secondly, after his Craniofacial Reconstruction, they refused to send him home with any drugs, so this doesn't make any sense to me. Tonsils constitutes drugs and head being cut open does not. I'm not so sure about that. 


I made it my personal goal to get pictures of Isaac and Milo in various sleeping positions. It was a long day, and I didn't have anything better to do since Isaac wouldn't let me hold him.

It's a beautiful day, so we're headed outside!



  1. That's awesome. You could start a blog or tumblr or something that's just pictures of sleeping babies/toddlers. Nothing else.

  2. I love Michael's idea :)

    So glad it went well :D I love all the sleeping pics of the boys ~ and I'm glad I was wearing my "Isaac surgery pants" so I'd look fancy and not at all like a scrub ;)
